Howdy! OP11 Fist of Divine Speed has finally released in the East, bringing six new Leaders to the One Piece card game: Blue Yellow Nami, Red Black Koby, Blue Purple Monkey D. Luffy, Green Jinbe, Purple Charlotte Katakuri, and Green Yellow Shirahoshi.
Each of these Leaders introduces a unique playstyle and strategy, adding more variety to the game. In OP10/EB02, Green Purple Luffy, Blue Doflamingo, and Black Teach dominated the meta, so it’ll be interesting to see how these new cards shake things up and how the new Leaders perform against top-tier decks.
For now, we’re still experimenting! Here’s a decklist for each new Leader—feel free to tweak them to your liking.
Blue Yellow Nami

The Blue Yellow Nami deck is heavy on the control cards, having Jozu, Doflamingo, Katakuri, and Monkey D.Luffy to remove an opponent’s Character from play, putting them behind on the field.
Nami is a value Leader, drawing you a card whenever you or your opponent takes a Life card. You will, though, have to be a 7 cards or less to draw a card. Additionally, during your opponent’s turn, Leader Nami lets you trash a card from your hand to gain +2,000 Power to Counter an attack. This effect changes how we build this deck, as we can add more no Counter cards with strong effects and trash them whenever we need the +2,000 Power.
We’re getting access to a strong effect while eliminating the drawback of not having a Counter effect.
Red Black Koby

Red Black Koby gives a pseudo-rush to your {SWORD} type Characters, allowing them to attack an opponent’s Character on the turn they’re played. So when deck building, we want to add as many of those {SWORD} type Characters as possible to make use of the immediate attack.
Leader Koby’s second effect can protect a {Navy} type Character with 7,000 Power or less from being removed through an effect. Instead of getting removed, you can place 3 cards from your trash at the bottom of the deck, keeping your Character in play to use offensively later on.
This deck thrives at controlling the field through attacks, and with cards like Hibari, Kuzan, and 8-cost Koby, you can attack Active Characters, potentially KOing them or forcing the opposing player to use their Counter cards.
Blue Purple Monkey D.Luffy

Blue Purple Monkey D.Luffy is a draw engine, when you’re at 8 Don or more, you can look at the top 5 cards of your deck and add 1 {Straw Hat Crew} type card to your hand. So two things we’ll want to add to this list, {Straw Hat Crew} type cards and ramp cards to get to 8 Don quickly.
Similar to Red Purple Monkey D.Luffy, the Blue Purple Leader has 6,000 Power and 3 Life cards, so Zoro-Juuro is a great early ramp card. Most of the list is on the high end, having cards like 8-cost and 9-cost Monkey D.Luffy for the Rush attacks to quickly go for attacks that can KO a rested Character.
8-cost Eustass”Captain”Kid is a blocker to protect our Leader, using his effect, you can put him back as Active at the end of your turn, so you can attack with him and still have him as a blocker. 9-cost Charlotte Linlin for the Life card, adding more resources and forcing the opposing player to go for more attacks to win the game.
Using Leader Luffy’s effect, you can set up a Sanji play to playout a high-cost Character from the top of your deck.
Green Yellow Shirahoshi

Green Yellow Shirahoshi can’t attack, but for 1 Don she can cheat out {Neptunian} type Character card or [Megalo] with a cost equal to or less than the number of DON!! cards on your field from your hand. So you’re cheating out Characters like Lord of the Coast, Spotted Neptunian, and Bird Neptunian for only 1 Don as long as you have a total of Don cards equal to their costs.
On most of your turns, you’ll be playing two Characters in one turn and building a frightening field presence that shifts your opponent’s strategy to a defensive one, trying to remove your attackers from play.
Purple Charlotte Katakuri

Purple Charlotte Katakuri has an interesting effect, having you return a Don to activate. Once per turn, when attacking or during your opponent’s turn, you can look at the top card in the opponent’s deck, giving you information on their next draw, and your Leader gains +1,000 during this battle.
So you’ll hold off from activating it until you’re at a point where deramping doesn’t put you behind, the +1,000 Power can save you from committing to many Counter cards, and you’re going for stronger attacks, getting more Counter cards from your opponent.
The information we’re gaining from Leader Charlotte Katakuri will play a role when going for 5-cost Charlotte Perospero and 10-cost Charlotte Linlin’s effects. To activate their effects, you need to “guess” the cost of the opponent’s top card in their deck, and since we can look at the opponent’s top card through Leader Katakuri’s effect, we’re not really guessing that card, are we?
Charlotte Perospero trashing a card to activate his main effect, but will ramp back 1 Don, so we won’t fall behind by activating the Leader effect, and we’ll get to draw a card. We’ll trash the worst card in our hand to hopefully draw a better one.
As for Charlotte Linlin, she’s a Rush attacker, and 12,000 Power attack is no laughing matter. Her “guessing” effect activates during your opponent’s turn, but forces you to deramp 5 Don to give your Leader +2,000 Power during this turn. It’s a huge defensive play to survive a turn, but will put you low on Don for the upcoming turn since you’re using your Leader + Charlotte Linlin’s deramp effects.
Green Jinbe

The Green Jinbe works with {Fish-Man} or {Merfolk} type Characters. If you have 6 or less cards in your hand, set up to 1 of your {Fish-Man} or {Merfolk} type Characters and up to 1 of your DON!! cards as active.
This effect can save one of your Characters from an attacker, removing the headache of playing Counter cards to protect them. It can also be a great way to keep 1-cost Shirahoshi in play for more turns, getting to draw cards through her Activate: Main. You could also use it with your 5-cost Aladine Blocker, getting to use his 6,000 Power defensively twice per turn.
7-cost Arlong can be played for 4 Don if you have 3 or less Life cards and your opponent has 5 or more rested cards. A 7,000 Power Character for 4 Don is worth having in play as early as possible.