With Set 7: Archazia’s Island launching on March 21st, excitement is building in the Disney Lorcana community as players experiment with new deck ideas, searching for both fun and competitive strategies.
One of the biggest game-changers in this set is the introduction of Dual Ink, which adds unprecedented flexibility to deck-building, making it easier to mix and match cards across different archetypes. This shift opens the door for fresh synergies and creative deck constructions that weren’t possible before.
To give you a glimpse of what’s brewing, I’ve gathered some of the most promising early decklists from the community—highlighting innovative approaches and potential new meta contenders.
Ruby Steel Mushu

The Ruby Steel Mushu deck revolves around challenging opponent’s Characters and winning trades, giving Resist to your Characters plays into your winning trades strategy. Those Characters can be used to attack a second time, getting more value and making sure the opposing player loses the board.
As long as Mushu – Majestic Dragon is on the board your Characters will gain +2 Resist when they Challenge, and if they banish an opponent’s Character, you’ll gain +2 Lore. So you’re both controlling the board and gaining Lore to win the game. Combined with Rush Characters, Fan the Flames, Ratigan – Very Large Mouse you can get the most from the +2 Resist and +2 Lore generation.
Mulan – Disguised Soldier allows your other Characters to challenge Ready Characters, making it perfect to shut opponents down from generating Lore, removing their key Characters from play, and preventing them from Questing.
Emerald Sapphire

This list is from The Forbidden Mountain which utilizes Ink Geyser to drop the number of cards in both players’ Inkwells down to 3. The plan is to play your high-cost Characters Baymax – Giant Robot and Hiro Hamada – Armor Designer through Shift and then you can go for the Ink Geyser, which will slow down your opponent’s upcoming turn. This can set ramp decks back, preventing them from making their high-cost play.
We also have multiple ramp cards like All is Found, which we can Sing to ramp us back to get ahead of the opposing player. Peter Pan – Never Land Prankster slows your opponent’s Lore generation, giving you more time to set up a winning turn.
Amber Sapphire Puppies

The Puppy deck is here with the new Set 7 cards Kanine Krunchies, Pepper – Quick-Thinking Puppy, Lucky – Runt of the Litter, Perdita – Playful Mother, Thunderbolt – Wonder Dog, and Pongo – Determined Father.
Kanine Krunchies gives your Puppy Characters +1 Willpower, making it challenging for the opposing player to remove them. As for Pepper – Quick-Thinking Puppy, whenever a Puppy of yours is banished, you may put it into your inkwell, ramping you up. You can banish your own Puppy in a Challenge, adding more cards in your Inkwell, and getting stronger upcoming turns.
Perdita – Playful Mother and Pongo – Dear Old Dad Characters are how we can go wide on the board. Perdita – Playful Mother reduces the cost of your Puppy Characters by 2, so you’re able to swarm the board with Dalmatian Puppy – Tail Wagger. They’ll all also gain Ward, so your opponent can’t target them.
Pongo – Dear Old Dad lets you play a Puppy from your Inkwell at the start of your turn. This is usually best in the late game when you’re fine with losing cards from your Inkwell to grow your board.
Amber Emerald Lady Aggro

The new Amber Emerald aggressive deck might catch your opponent’s off guard! This deck has many low-cost Characters to play multiple Characters in one turn and start Questing, having cards like Daisy Duck – Donald’s Date and Piglet – Pooh Pirate Captain to aggro your opponent by gaining Lore and force them to play defensively, trying to remove your Characters before they Quest again.
Since we’re playing a lot of cards, we need draw options to keep our engine running. Lady – Miss Park Avenue lets us grab two 2-cost Characters from your discard, to ensure we continue developing the board with Questers. Clarabelle – Light on Her Hooves is another value Character, drawing us cards until we have an equal number of cards as our opponent, and since we are playing low-cost cards, we’ll often have less cards than the opposing player.
Going wide on the board also reduces the cost of Tramp – Street-Smart Dog, playing him on an earlier turn without having to wait until turn 7. You’ll draw cards equal to the number of Characters in play and then discard the ones you don’t need. Lilo – Escape Artist is a great card to discard since we can later play her on the board through her effect.
Sapphire Steel

This Sapphire Steel has 2 new cards from Set 7, Belle – Apprentice Inventor and Alice – Savvy Sailor. This deck has Papwsicle and Fortisphere as 1-cost Items, which are extremely important as they’ll synergize with Belle – Apprentice Inventor. Belle – Apprentice Inventor can banish a chosen item to play her on the board without having to use 3 ink. So if you play a 1-cost item on turn 1, you can banish it to play Belle – Apprentice Inventor, having a 3|3 body early in the game will make it harder for your opponent to Quest without losing their Character.
As for Alice – Savvy Sailor, she’s Questing for 2 Lore and shares the Ward keyword and gives +1 Lore to one of your Characters, giving them extra protection to ensure they remain in play. It’s great if you’re trying to protect Hiram Flaversham – Toymaker from a removal card.

The Blurple deck runs the bounce package, with Madam Mim – Snake and Madam Mim – Fox returning a Character to your hand, like Merlin – Goat and Merlin – Rabbit to activate their effects.
We’re adding Belle – Apprentice Inventor, which can be cheated out on the board by banishing Pawpsicle, developing a 3|3 Character without spending any of your Ink.
Sapphire Coil reduces the Strength of a chosen Character by -2 when you add a card to your inkwell, perfect when used on an exerted Character so you can Challenge without losing your attacker.
Anna – Ice Breaker, Elsa – The Fifth Spirit, and Elsa – Spirit of Winter are perfect to stall out the game. Anna – Ice Breaker keeps one of the opponent’s Characters exerted, preventing it from becoming ready on the upcoming turn, which means your opponent can’t attack or quest with it. Having Support lets Anna – Ice Breaker share her 2 Strength with another one of your Characters, perfect for a Character that’s about to Challenge, making it easier to banish a higher Willpower target.
As for Elsa – The Fifth Spirit, she can exert an opponent’s Character and attack immediately, banishing the exerted Character and helping you control the board.
Lastly. Elsa – Spirit of Winter, she can exert 2 Characters and they will remain exerted on the opponent’s upcoming turn, slowing them down and buying you enough time to win the game.
Ruby Amethyst Burn

This Ruby Amethyst deck plays aggressively, looking to gain early Lore through cards like Flynn Rider – Frenemy and Sisu – Emboldened Warrior.
The list is packed with cards that generate Lore for you, getting you closer to winning the game without relying on your Characters Questing. Thievery, This Is My Family, and A Pirate’s Life will generate Lore for you, but will also make your opponent lose Lore, making it harder for them to win the game and buying you more turns to win.
Ratigan – Nefarious Criminal and Maui – Half-Shark will also generate Lore through their effects, so your opponent is forced to remove them quickly. You’re not trying to control the board or match your opponent’s development, you’re mainly playing your cards to generate Lore and get 20 as soon as possible, ignoring your opponent’s strategy.