Ranking Set 7 Legendary Lorcana Cards Best to Worst – Disney Lorcana

Howdy! The Disney Lorcana Set 7 Archazia’s Island expansion introduces more than 200 new cards! This should help bring new forms to play the game, especially with the Dual Ink release, allowing us to play specific cards in different decks. With fresh mechanics and synergies, this set is sure to shake up the meta and offer exciting new strategies for deckbuilding.

Lorcana cards have different rarities: common, uncommon, rare, super rare, legendary, and enhanced. Set 7 will have 12 Legendary cards, each with unique abilities that could define new archetypes or strengthen existing ones. The performance of those Legendary cards will add to their price tag, a great pick-up if you find the “best” Legendary cards out there! So, we’ll go through them all and rank them from best to worst.


Tamatoa – Happy as a Clam

Tamatoa – Happy as a Clam is probably the strongest Legendary card in Set 7, and the community is hyped for this value card to join the Sapphire roster.

Tamatoa – Happy as a Clam is a 6-cost Character with 4|5 stats, when played, it’ll let you add 2 item cards to your hand from your discard. So you’re immediately gaining value from your play, and Ruby Sapphire, for example, is known for its love for item cards.

Now if Tamatoa – Happy as a Clam remains in play and you can Quest with it, then you can cheat out an item card on the board without having to use any Ink. This would be a massive play if you have a high-cost item in your hand, something like Lucky Dime being played without using 7 ink would be massive and could single-handedly win you the game.

Scrooge McDuck – Resourceful Miser

Scrooge McDuck – Resourceful Miser is one of the best cards coming in this set, and it’s par with Tamatoa – Happy as a Clam. It’s somewhat similar to Gramma Tala – Keeper of Ancient Stories but better! Scrooge McDuck – Resourceful Miser is a 4-cost Character with a 4|4 stat line, so it already is a good body to have on the board, and when played you can look at the top 4 cards in your deck and add an item card to your hand.

You’re gaining an extra card in your hand, potentially finding what you need for your strategy, and developing a 4|4 body on the board. On top of that, you could play Scrooge McDuck – Resourceful Miser without using any of your Ink. If you have 4 items in play, you can exert all of them to slam down Scrooge McDuck – Resourceful Miser, developing a 4|4 Character without needing to use Ink.

Of course, Scrooge McDuck – Resourceful Miser will want to play in a deck that is heavy on items, especially low-cost ones, so you can get the most out of his abilities.

Bagheera – Guardian Jaguar

I have high hopes for Bagheera – Guardian Jaguar, a new Steel-type Character with 4|3 stats and the Bodyguard keyword. So for a Bodyguard, Bagheera – Guardian Jaguar has good stats, the 4 Strength means your opponent can’t attack recklessly without their attacker getting banished in the process.

Bagheera – Guardian Jaguar’s ability is what makes him stand out as a Bodyguard, when banished during your opponent’s turn, Bagheera – Guardian Jaguar will deal 2 damage to each opposing Character. Think of it as Grab Your Sword, but your opponent controls when it activates, and since it only activates during your opponent’s turn, we’ll usually avoid attacking Bagheera – Guardian Jaguar, exert him and leave him for the opponent to find answers.


The Return of Hercules

The first Legendary Action card, The Return of Hercules! This card might seem like a meme, but in the right deck build, it can do wonders. When played, each player chooses a card from their hand and plays it, so you’ll want to play something that costs more than 5 Ink to make it worth it. In a Ruby Emerald deck, you’ll have access to many cards worth playing such as Maui – Half-Shark or Maleficent – Monstrous Dragon.

Now, your opponent can do the same, but, if since you’re an Emerald deck that can run discard cards, you could bleed them out of resources and potentially leave mediocre plays in their hand, that don’t stand a chance against the Character you’ve developed. Emerald also had cards that give you information on the opponent’s hand, so if you find their hand lacking a high-cost Character, then you can slam The Return of Hercules.

Aurora – Waking Beauty

Aurora – Waking Beauty has a lot of potential as a Singer, capable of singing 5-cost Songs, and having 4 Willpower means your opponent can’t easily remove her. What makes her stand out is her Ready ability, allowing you to Ready her whenever you heal one of your Characters. So Rapunzel – Gifted with Healing would be a great follow-up play after you’ve exerted Aurora – Waking Beauty. Keep in mind, when you ready Aurora – Waking Beauty through her ability, you can’t Quest or Challenge with her, but you can Sing, so potentially, you can play two 5-cost Songs in one turn.

Mickey Mouse – Inspirational Warrior

Mickey Mouse – Inspirational Warrior can’t be inked, but it has a strong ability, allowing you to play any Character from your hand when Mickey Mouse – Inspirational Warrior banished an opponent’s Character. So two things your opponent will have to do when they see Mickey Mouse – Inspirational Warrior in play, avoid having an exerted Character and banish Mickey Mouse – Inspirational Warrior through a ping damage card.

With only 1 Strength Mickey Mouse – Inspirational Warrior isn’t too frightening when it Challenges, however, we can combo him with cards that give + Strength like Merlin – Crab, making it easier for you to banish a Character and benefit from his ability.

The Queen – Jealous Beauty

For The Queen – Jealous Beauty to find value, your opponent has to have at least 3 cards in their discard, which you’ll choose 3 of those cards and place at the bottom of their deck. You then gain 3 Lore, getting you closer to winning the game. If any of the cards is a Princess, you’ll gain 4 Lore instead. A huge Lore generation ability that forces the opposing player to remove The Queen – Jealous Beauty as quickly as possible.

Ratigan – Nefarious Criminal

I feel like Ratigan – Nefarious Criminal is on the low end of good, it’s a Lore generation card that helps you get to 20 Lore faster. The Ruby Character synergizes with Action cards, when Ratigan – Nefarious Criminal is exerted, you’ll gain 1 Lore for each Action card you play. So you could easily gain 1 or 2 Lore in one turn through Ratigan – Nefarious Criminal’s ability.

Being a 3|3 Character means your opponent can remove it through a Challenge or one of their cards’ abilities.


Minnie Mouse – Storyteller

Minnie Mouse – Storyteller wants to play in aggressive decks that run low-cost Characters. You want to have her in play, develop as many Characters as possible, and she’ll gain 1 Lore when she quests for every Character you’ve played. So getting 2 or maybe 3 Lore out of her when she Quests would be worth having her on the list.

Additionally, she can reduce the Strength of an opponent’s Character, equal to their Lore. This seems like a nice ability to prevent your opponent from Challenging Minnie Mouse – Storyteller during their turn or allow you to Challenge their exerted Character without losing your attacker. However, this is dependent on what the opponent has in play and the number of Lore it has.

Donald Duck – Flustered Sorcerer

A high-cost Character with 5|6 stats that can be used in slow decks, especially ramp ones, but he can’t be inked, so that’s a downside. Donald Duck – Flustered Sorcerer Quests for 3 Lore, which can speed up your winning turn.

Donald Duck – Flustered Sorcerer prevents your opponent from winning on 20 Lore, forcing them to hit 25 Lore instead. This can be great against decks that ran out of steam and are scavenging through their top decks for cards that generate Lore quickly. However, if you’re behind on the board, Donald Duck – Flustered Sorcerer doesn’t offer much outside of the 3 Lore he Quests if your opponent doesn’t remove him.

Honestly, Donald Duck – Flustered Sorcerer has the potential to work in specific decks, but if he was an inkable card, he’d definitely get bumped to one of the good cards!


Baloo – Ol’ Iron Paws

Baloo – Ol’ Iron Paws’s ability prevents your opponent from dealing damage to your 7 Strength or more Characters. Not a very appealing ability and definitely not worth spending 6 of your ink to play.

Lady Tremaine – Bitterly Jealous

Lady Tremaine – Bitterly Jealous can return a damaged Character to the owner’s hand, which means you can target your and your opponent’s Characters with this ability. To remove one of the opponent’s win conditions, you’ll have to damage it first for Lady Tremaine – Bitterly Jealous to remove, so there are extra steps to do. After that, your opponent is forced to discard a card from their hand, a strong ability to run your opponent out of resources.

Sadly, at 6-cost, Lady Tremaine – Bitterly Jealous is a bit difficult to make her work in most decks, and the fact that she can’t be inked drops her down to the worst rank among Legendary cards.