Best Decks for 5 Wins in a Row Event – Pokemon Pocket

Best decks for the 5 game win stream event in Pokemon Pocket.

The new event in Pokémon Pocket challenges players to win five games in a row, which has proven to be very difficult despite many players giving out free wins. While skill plays a big role in the game, there are times when bad luck makes certain matches unwinnable. It can be especially frustrating to win a few games in a row only to lose just before reaching five wins. I’ve looked into the community’s experiences with this event and will share the decks they used to complete the five-win streak.

Starmie Articuno

Starmie Ex Articuno Ex is a great choice for the 5-win streak event. This is an aggressive deck that uses Starmie Ex to deal early 90 damage with Hydro Splash and knock out high HP Pokemon with two attacks. Starmie Ex can retreat for free, so you won’t have to discard any of your Energy when doing so.

Articuno ex is another damage dealer, pushing 80 damage with Blizzard and damaging the opponent’s Bench at the same time. Misty is why this deck is strong, giving extra Water Energy to speed up your game plan and start attacking on earlier turns.

The aggressiveness of this deck makes it a great choice for this format, even if you end up losing, you can quickly start over and try going for the 5-win streak again.

The non-Ex Articuno is on the list to tank early hits. Using X-Speed, we can easily retreat non-Ex Articuno before it gets knocked out for your attacker to take its place.

Pikachu ex

This deck has multiple damage dealers and can play aggressively using Pikachu ex or Electrode. The damage of Pikachu ex’s Circle Circuit is tied to the number of Pokemon you have on the Bench, so you need to fill up the board to start dealing 90 damage.

Zapdos ex’s Thundering Hurricane will flip 4 coins, each heads will deal 50 damage. So it’s a luck-based attack but a 100 or 150 damage is more than enough to knock out Pokemon.

Pikachu Ex is a Basic Pokemon with a low-cost attack, so we can reliably have him ready to start dealing damage. There are different variants of Pikachu Ex to play, the Raichu with Lt Surge and Electrode are two strong versions to play as well.

Articuno Greninja

The Water deck uses Articuno EX as an early damage dealer. Combined with Misty, you can get the 3 Water Energy on Articuno quickly to start attaching with Blizzard, dealing 80 damage to the opponent’s Active Pokemon and 10 damage to all of their Benched Pokemon. The damage to the opponent’s Bench can knock out low-health Pokemon that are trying to hide behind the Active Pokemon.

The non-Ex Articuno is great for stalling out the early game, dealing 60 damage to the opponent’s Active Pokemon and potentially Paralyzing it, slowing the opposing player’s aggression. The non-EX Articuno only gives 1 Match Point, so we’re fine if it gets knocked out over the Articuno EX.

As we’re using Articunos in the early game, we’ll also be working on evolving Froakie and getting Greninja into play. Greninja can damage opponent’s Pokemon with Water Shuriken ability even if Greninja isn’t in the Active spot. So you’re guaranteed 20 damage every turn which can target anything on the opponent’s side of the board, perfect for sniping out damaged Pokemon on the Bench.

Blaine Aggro

This is an aggressive deck using Rapidash and Ninetales to deal early damage and get knockout as fast as possible. It makes use of the Supporter card Blaine, dealing an extra 30 damage with one of your attacks to help you knock out a Pokemon and potentially shut down the opponent’s strategy.

Ninetales carries this deck, pushing 90 damage early in the game with Flamethrower. However, you’re forced to discard an Energy to activate it, so you have to keep attaching Energy if you wish to continue attacking with Ninetails.

This is a consistent deck since Ninetails and Rapidash are Stage 1 Pokemon that can join battle early on and punish opponents with a slow early game. The only downside is that you won’t match against many Grass-type Pokemon to prey on.