Top 8 Decks OPE OP08.5 Treasure Cup – One Piece Card Game

Check out the top 8 decks from the OPE Treasure Cup tournament that took place on November 16-17.

Heya everyone! We had amazing games in the Organized Play Event Treasure Cup tournament! This tournament follows the OP08.5 meta, so we saw a lot of Blue Doflamingo and Black Rob Lucci players. However, other decks like Green Bonney and Black Yellow Luffy had a better performance this time around, managing to take up most of the top 8 decks in this tournament!

Let’s review the decks and the key cards used by the Top 8 players in their lists!

1st Place Green Bonney

Green Bonney takes first place in the OPE Treasure Cup, an amazing performance, especially beating a Black deck in the finals. Green Bonney is great for beating popular decks like Blue Doflamingo, Black Yellow Luffy, and Yellow Enel. However, Bonney struggles against Black decks, especially Rob Lucci, so seeing it manage to win it all despite Lucci being a popular bring among players is a great feat!

Green Bonney is a stall deck, relying on Leader Bonney, 5-cost Carrot, 5-cost Bonney, and 10-cost Donquixote Doflamingo to slow down the opponent’s aggression and take things to the late game. The Fortress game plan with Eustass”Captain”Kid is important to beating certain decks like Blue Doflamingo and Black Yellow Luffy, slowing them down immensely and buying you enough time to create more attacks that get you close to winning the game.

We’ve seen a lot of players drop 8-cost Rosinante from the list, however, the first-place deck list is adding two copies of Rosinante. This card can be powerful against certain matchups, allowing you to develop two Characters in one turn and go wider on the field.

2nd Place Black Monkey D.Luffy

Black Luffy makes second place! This deck fell in popularity in OP08.5 meta, and we haven’t seen it being represented as much, especially with most players flocking to Blue Doflamingo. Black Luffy is a control deck that can KO Characters to keep its control over the board.

Although it’s not the best choice against Black Rob Lucci, it can beat the likes of Blue Doflamingo and Black Yellow Luffy, two decks that are well-represented in these big events. 5-cost Sanji is one of the strongest mid-game control cards, letting you KO a Character with a cost of 5 or less. Interestingly, this list is running 4 copies of Thousand Sunny, which helps you play Sanji a turn earlier than usual and makes it harder for decks to KO your Characters through effects tied to the cost of your Characters. This means Black Rob Lucci will have a harder time controlling your side of the field.

Two 8-cost Issho are important for the slow matchups, allowing you to trash two cards from the opponent’s hand if they have 6 or more cards. This drops them down on resources and can set you up to outvalue them later in the game.

Jack is a reliable control card, which will be tough for opponents to remove. Combined with 6-cost Nico Robin, you’ll have a cost-reducer who forces the opposing player to commit resources to remove.

3rd Place Green Bonney

Third place is another Green Bonney player! However, this list looks a bit different from the first-place list. This list makes use of Urouge’s extra Don at the end of the turn, making it easier to activate the Leader effect and rest one of the opponent’s attackers.

Unlike the first-place list, this version isn’t running any of the 8-cost Rosinante Characters.

4th Place Black Yellow Luffy

Black Yellow Luffy ends up in fourth place! This is one of the hardest decks to pilot correctly in the One Piece card game. This deck wants to take early hits to start activating Leader Luffy’s effect once it fulls to 0 Life cards. The plan is to place adult brothers in your Life Area and cheat them out on the field through the kid brothers. For each kid brother you activate, your Leader gains +2,000 Power until the end of the opponent’s upcoming turn. This makes it exceptionally hard for opponents to damage your Leader, especially with a 5-cost Sabo blocker in play.

On 10 Don, you’re looking to play Gecko Moria, cheating out two of the kid brothers from the trash and playing out their adult versions. This is the strongest turn for you, developing three Characters and gaining +4,000 Power on Leader Luffy.

5th Place Blue Doflamingo

The popular Blue Doflamingo was just short of making top 4. This deck has been dominating the OP08.5 meta with the new Starter 17 cards. Most lists are adopting an aggressive playstyle, using the Leader effect and Jinbe to cheat out Characters and go for multiple attacks to bleed opponents out of Counter resources. 4-cost Pudding is also a game changer, so opponents have to keep her in mind so they don’t end up losing resources from their hand.

Characters like 4-cost Law and 6-cost Jozu can remove opponents’ Characters from play, weakening the presence on the field and making it more difficult for them to gain control. This list is running two copies of 10-cost Kaido for the mirror matchup, offering value and a high Power Character. It also has two copies of Gravity Raging Blade Tiger, a control Event to place two 6-cost Characters at the bottom of the opponent’s deck, perfect against decks like Black Yellow Luffy and Green Bonney.

6th Place Black Yellow Monkey D.Luffy

7th Place Black Yellow Monkey D.Luffy

8th Place Black Yellow Monkey D.Luffy

6th, 7th, and 8th place are all Black Yellow Luffy decks, it’s easily one of the best choices for tournaments if you have the knowledge to pilot it correctly.

Interestingly, the 7th place Black Yellow Luffy list is running Tempest Kick and the 5-cost Monkey D.Luffy that trashes one of the opponents Characters with a cost of 2 or less. The choice to add this to a Black Yellow Luffy deck means the player is trying to counter 5-cost Sabo in the mirror matchup since trashing bypasses the KO immunity. It also might find use against Black decks like Rob Lucci or Smoker who include the 5-cost Sabo or Boralino in their lists.

5-cost Monkey D.Luffy will need cost reduction cards to make him work. So Tempest Kick and 4-cost Kuzan will be of great use in this list.