7 Decks to Expect In Lorcana Challenge Toronto – Disney Lorcana

Howdy! Usually, we have Pixelborn data to understand the early stages of the meta and which decks are seeing the most success. However, this time around, I’ll rely on community tournaments to bring you the best-performing decks so far.

The Toronto Lorcana Challenge will be held on August 24-25.

  Ruby Amethyst

The bounce control deck is one of the safest choices to bring to a tournament. It has a chance to win against almost anything thrown at it thanks to its ability to adapt to different game plans, switching between aggressive or defensive playstyles. This deck has already been performing in community tournaments and will likely see a lot of play in the Lorcana Challenge.

With Madam Mim – Fox and Madam Mim – Snake, you can return your Characters to your hand. This is useful since you have multiple Characters that benefit from being returned, activating their effects. Cards like Merlin – Goat and Merlin – Rabbit are targets you can return.

The list has control cards like Be Prepared and Madame Medusa – The Boss to remove the opponent’s win conditions.

  Amber Emerald

The Emerald Amber deck has a little of everything, discard mechanic, draw engine, and control cards. Cards like Sudden Chill and Ursula – Deceiver discard cards from the opponent’s hand, and if Prince John – Greediest of All is on the board, you’ll get to draw a card for each discarded one.

Under the Sea and The Muses – Proclaimers of Heroes lets you remove opponent’s Characters off the board and with Kida – Protector of Atlantis you can lower their Strength so that they’re in range for your removal cards.

  Amber Steel

There are different Amber Steel lists floating around, as players continue to experiment with the new cards. With Ursula – Vanessa and Ariel – Spectacular Singer in the list, you can Sing higher-cost songs on earlier turns, putting you ahead of your opponent.

The list can run out of resources quickly, so we rely on A Whole New World for resource generation and gain an edge over the opponent. A Whole New World is also great against discard decks that try to bleed you out of resources quickly.

  Ruby Sapphire

The Ruby Sapphire is a ramp deck that primarily uses Fishbone Quill to accelerate its game plan. Ruby offers control cards like Be Prepared, Madame Medusa – The Boss, and Maleficent – Monstrous Dragon to keep opponents from taking over the game, buying you enough time to get your win condition online.

Lucky Dime is how you generate an insane number of Lore, using it on Tamatoa – So Shiny!

Amethyst Emerald

  Sapphire Steel

Amber Amethyst

There’s always part of the community that loves playing aggressive decks in tournaments, and Amber Amethyst is one of the best decks for that. This deck solely focuses on generating Lore as fast as possible, while forcing the opposing player to control your field and catch up to you.

Since we’re not focused on controlling the board, we might find ourselves falling behind in the late-game, but as long as continue developing a Character that generates Lore, we could sneak the win before the opponent stabilizes the game.