6 Lorcana Decks to Expect In Lille/Atlanta Tournaments – Disney Lorcana

The Disney Lorcana Challenge is happening on May 25th and 26th! With 2,027 players registered in Lille and 1,880 in Atlanta, these are among the largest Lorcana tournaments to date. Predicting the decks that players will bring is no easy task.

In this article, I’ll highlight some of the top-performing decks from Set 3 that have excelled in major events and are likely to be on players’ radar.

Lille First Place Winner Frank Karsten

Amber Steel



Emerald Amethyst



The Amethyst Emerald deck has been garnering a lot of praise from the community, especially content creators and that’s for a good reason! The deck has been seeing success and showing up in top cuts consistently. The deck balanced the discard and bounce mechanics and it’s able to go head to head with popular decks like Ruby Sapphire, Emerald Steel, and Amethyst Ruby.

Ruby Sapphire



The Ruby Sapphire is the deck that players will either bring or pick decks that can beat it. This deck has gained insane popularity and has been crushing the tournament scene. However, the deck has an extremely slow game plan, and it can be taxing to play. A lot of players have found themselves running out of time when they take this deck, and might just avoid having to deal with the struggles of it entirely.

This deck is a bit of a risk since it struggles against aggressive decks, and if you underperform in your first games, you might end up going against more aggressive decks.

Emerald Steel



The Discard Emerald Steel deck won first place in The Pack tournament, beating some of the best decks in the top 16. This deck aims to run the opponent out of resources by discarding their cards, forcing them to rely on the top deck.

It can keep up with the Amethyst Emerald deck and this list is tailored to hold up well against the popular Ruby Sapphire deck.

Ruby Amethyst



Ruby Amethyst has been a consistent deck for the longest time in the Lorcana meta. It has fallen in popularity as players understood how to approach the matchup and built their decks with Ruby Amethyst in mind. However, the bounce archetype remains one of the safest choices to bring to tournaments. It has the ability to beat any matchup it goes up against, and isn’t too affected if goes second.

Although we don’t see it dominating the meta and multiple players making top cuts with it, it’s still a popular choice and you’ll likely see a lot of players on it in Lille and Atlanta.

Another strength of Ruby Amethyst is its ability to fight off off-meta decks that you don’t see much of. It focuses on its gameplan, with tons of card draw potential, while also having tools to control the board and pick off opponents’ win conditions.

Amber Steel



The Amber Steel Fluet deck has a rough matchup against Ruby Sapphire, so players bringing this deck are betting on their dodging skills to avoid that matchup during their run.

This deck can make a comeback in Lille and Atlanta, especially since it’s a solid choice against anything outside of Ruby Sapphire. With the Fluets, it’ll have an edge against Ruby Amethyst players since they don’t run any answers for the Lore generation.

Amber Ruby



Although not among the top-performing decks in the meta, the Red Mufasa deck has its fans and it’s one of the easiest decks to pilot. Some players might favor its simplicity and raw strength and choose to pick that deck up.

It can beat some of the top meta decks and might sneak way into the top cut!