Howdy everyone! If you’re here, you’re likely just picking up Lorcana and looking for easy-to-build budget decks.
Trading card games is an expensive hobby to get into, especially if your goal is to play at a highly competitive level. Powerful cards can go up in price, raising the overall price of a deck. A lot of archetypes rely on those powerful cards as part of their game plan.
This article will share a couple of budget decks that can help you get started in the game as you build your collection.
1- Amber Amethyst

4 Baloo - von Bruinwald XIII
4 Maleficent - Biding Her Time
4 Lilo - Making a Wish
4 Pascal - Rapunzel's Companion
3 Simba - Protective Cub
4 Kida - Protector of Atlantis
4 Kida - Atlantean
2 Befuddle
4 Piglet - Pooh Pirate Captain
4 Chernabog's Followers - Creatures of Evil
4 Madam Mim - Snake
4 Merlin - Goat
3 Donald Duck - Musketeer Soldier
4 Madam Mim - Fox
4 Arthur - Wizard's Apprentice
4 Pinocchio - Star Attraction
The Amber Amethyst deck is one of the popular choices for starting players and I always recommend it if you’re trying to get into Lorcana and want to sneak wins in tournaments
This deck focuses on Questing, ignoring the opponent’s game plan and just doing its thing. Most of the list runs low-cost cards, so usually you don’t want to Ink beyond 4 and instead play out those cards to squeeze out any Ink.
With bounce cards like Madam Mim – Fox, Madam Mim – Snake, Befuddle, and Arthur – Wizard’s Apprentice, you can Quest with one of your Characters, bounce them, and replay them so the opponent doesn’t get to challenge them. This forces the opposing player to find other ways to deal with your Ink generation.
2- Amber Sapphire Hyper Aggro

1 Wendy Darling - Talented Sailor
2 Aurora - Dreaming Guardian
2 Hades - Lord of the Underworld
4 Gramma Tala - Keeper of Ancient Stories
4 Lilo - Making a Wish
4 Simba - Protective Cub
4 Aurora - Regal Princess
4 Develop Your Brain
4 Kida - Atlantean
1 McDuck Manor - Scrooge's Mansion
1 Chernabog - Evildoer
4 Mufasa - Betrayed Leader
4 Sisu - Divine Water Dragon
4 Anna - True-Hearted
4 Anna - Braving the Storm
2 Judy Hopps - Optimistic Officer
4 Caterpillar - Calm and Collected
1 Jasmine - Heir of Agrabah
2 Nothing to Hide
4 Hans - Noble Scoundrel
This hyper-aggressive anti-Green Lorcana deck focuses on rapidly gaining lore by questing with your high-lore characters like Hans – Noble Scoundrel, Anna – Braving the Storm, and Caterpillar – Calm and Collected. Avoid trading with opponents unless it’s highly advantageous, as your goal is to end the game by turn six with a commanding lore lead. Utilize cards such as Gramma Tala – Keeper of Ancient Stories, Sisu – Divine Water Dragon, and Hades – Lord of the Underworld for card draw and to keep the engine running.
Mufasa – Betrayed Leader is a win condition that can’t be ignored. He’s questing for 2 Lore and if the opponent banishes him, you’ll play the top card in your deck, maintaining that Lore threat.
3- Amber Emerald Bucky

4 Ariel - Spectacular Singer
4 Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo
4 Bucky - Squirrel Squeak Tutor
4 Donald Duck - Perfect Gentleman
2 Has Set My Heaaaaaaart . . .
4 Lost in the Woods
4 Maximus - Palace Horse
4 Pegasus - Cloud Racer
4 Pegasus - Gift for Hercules
3 The Muses - Proclaimers of Heroes
4 The Queen - Commanding Presence
4 The Queen - Regal Monarch
2 Under the Sea
3 Ursula - Deceiver
2 Ursula - Eric's Bride
4 We Don't Talk About Bruno
4 World's Greatest Criminal Mind
The Amber Emerald is a budget Bucky – Squirrel Squeak Tutor deck that wants to run the opponent out of resources. The plan is to play Bucky – Squirrel Squeak Tutor as early as possible and start activating his effect by playing Floodborn Characters like Pegasus – Cloud Racer, The Queen – Commanding Presence, and Ursula – Eric’s Bride.
You’re able to win trades through The Queen – Commanding Presence and Lost in the Woods putting you ahead of the opponent.
The list runs a couple of Songs that interact with the board and we can use Ariel – Spectacular Singer to play the high-cost ones on earlier turns.
4- Budget Broom

4 Magic Broom - Swift Cleaner
3 And Then Along Came Zeus
2 Fire the Cannons!
4 Friends on the Other Side
4 Mickey Mouse - Wayward Sorcerer
2 Magic Broom - Bucket Brigade
4 Chernabog's Followers - Creatures of Evil
3 Magic Broom - The Big Sweeper
4 The Sorcerer's Tower - Wondrous Workspace
4 Magic Broom - Aerial Cleaner
2 I Find 'Em, I Flatten 'Em
3 Strength of a Raging Fire
2 Mickey Mouse - Playful Sorcerer
3 Magic Broom - Brigade Commander
4 Bruno Madrigal - Undetected Uncle
2 Mickey Mouse - Standard Bearer
4 Magic Broom - Illuminary Keeper
4 Yen Sid - Powerful Sorcerer
2 Magic Broom - Industrial Model
The broom deck plays, brooms! A lot of them! This deck relies on the Broom synergy with Mickey Mouse – Playful Sorcerer and Mickey Mouse – Wayward Sorcerer.
The plan is to develop as many Broom cards as possible and start the outvalue plan. Magic Broom – Brigade Commander can be annoying to remove and is capable of challenging and banishing rested Characters.
Since the deck runs a lot of Broom cards, Bruno Madrigal – Undetected Uncle has high odds of hitting a Broom card and generating 3 Lore with his effect.
5- Sapphire Steel Scry

4 Ariel - Determined Mermaid
4 Pascal - Inquisitive Pet
4 Arges - The Cyclops
4 Beast - Thick-Skinned
4 Scuttle - Expert on Humans
2 The Mob Song
4 Ariel - Sonic Warrior
2 Rapunzel - Appreciative Artist
4 One Last Hope
2 Winter Camp - Medical Tent
4 Olaf - Trusting Companion
4 Olaf - Carrot Enthusiast
3 Thebes - The Big Olive
2 Ariel - Treasure Collector
2 Great Stone Dragon
3 Fortisphere
3 Flounder - Collector's Companion
1 Field Of Ice
4 Ice Block
x_d3bug_x built this Sapphire Steel deck from the Set 4 collection only! So if you only have access to Set 4 decks, this is probably the cheapest deck you can build and get started.