The Water type deck Palkia ex, uses Manaphy and Vaporeon as supporting Pokemon to make sure you can attack with Palkia ex multiple times in one game. It has a high-cost attack, but its ability to deal AOE damage to the opponent’s Bench helps you get a knockout on the opponent’s low HP Pokemon.
This Water deck heavily relies on ramping up with Manaphy and Misty to attack as early as possible, and with Vaporeon in the list, you can move Energy onto Palkia ex to keep on attacking even after discarding your Energy.
Palkia Ex Manaphy Vaporeon Decklist

Pokémon: 8
2 Eevee A1 206
2 Vaporeon A1a 19
2 Manaphy A2 50
2 Palkia ex A2 49
Trainer: 12
2 Leaf A1a 68
2 Misty A1 220
2 Professor's Research P-A 7
1 Cyrus A2 150
1 Sabrina A1 225
2 Poké Ball P-A 5
2 Giant Cape A2 147
How to Play
Palkia Ex Carry

Palkia ex is the main damage dealer but requires a lot of Water Energy to keep the attacks going. Palkia ex is a 150 HP Pokemon with two attacks, Slash and Dimensional Storm.
Slash only needs 1 Water Energy to deal 30 damage to the opponent’s Active Pokemon. However, Dimensional Storm is the true damage dealer, pushing 150 damage to the opponent’s Active Pokemon and 20 damage to each of your opponent’s Benched Pokemon. The 20 damage you deal to the opponent’s Benched Pokemon can knock out low HP Pokemon but also makes it easier for you to activate Cyrus and pull the damaged Pokemon of your choosing to the Active spot to directly attack it.
Dimensional Storm is an expensive attack, requiring 4 Energy to activate, and will force you to discard 3 Water Energy. This makes it harder for you to activate a second time on the upcoming turn, but the list has multiple cards (Manaphy, Misty, and Vaporeon) to support Palkia ex with Water Energy and ensure it gets to keep attacking.
Accelerating Energy Strategy
We want to have Manaphy in the Active spot early in the game and start activating Oceanic Gift, attaching 1 Water-type Energy to two of your Benched Pokemon. In this list, we’re attaching Water Energy to Palkia ex and Eevee/Vaporeon.
This gets us closer to attacking with Palkia ex, while at the same time having energy on Vaporeon, which we can move to Palkia ex later in the game.
As for Misty, it’s a Supporter ramp card that flips a coin until you get tails, then for each heads, you attach a Water Energy to one of your Water-type Pokemon. So we have a 50% chance of getting one Water Energy on a Water type Pokemon, usually giving them to Palkia ex. However, if we’re lucky enough, we could get more than 1 Energy, accelerating our game plan immensely and could steal the win for us.
To have Vaporeon in play, we have to evolve it from Eevee. Vaporeon‘s attack, Wave Splash, deals 60 damage to the opponent’s Active Pokemon. However, Vaporeon‘s ability, Wash Out, is the main reason it’s on the list.
Using Wash Out, we can move Water Energy from our Benched Pokemon to the Active Pokemon. So Water Energy we got on Vaporeon through Manaphy‘s Oceanic Gift can be moved onto Palkia ex for it to activate Dimensional Storm.
Draw Cards
Poke Ball will draw you a basic Pokemon, helping you find Palkia ex, Manaphy, or Eevee when they’re needed.
Professor’s Research is a Supporter card to draw 2 cards. Since it’s a Supporter card, you want to play it early into the game since you’ll want to play your other Supporters in the late game.
Battle Cards
Giant Cape tool gives 20 HP to your attached Pokemon, making it harder for your opponent to knock it out.
Leaf reduces the retreat cost of one of your Pokemon by 2, making it easier for you to retreat without having to discard Energy from it.
Sabrina forces opponents to switch out their Active Pokemon with one of their Benched Pokemon. This can allow you to knock out a more valuable Pokemon or slow opponent’s strategy and force them to retreat and discard Energy to get their plan back on track.
Since we’re dealing a lot of damage to the opponent’s Pokemon, Cyrus is great in this list, giving us the ability to pull a damaged Pokemon on the Bench to the Active spot and attack it directly.
Other Pokemon to Include
- You can add Staryu Starmie ex instead of Vaporeon for early aggression, dealing 90 damage with Hydro Splash as you build up your Palkia ex turn.