Flareon Ex Jolteon Ex is the newest Prismatic Evolution deck to play in Pokemon TCG! This is an Eeveelution deck, relying on early Eevee to quickly evolve it into either Flareon Ex or Jolteon Ex and start going for attacks.
This deck plays quickly and in many cases, you can aggro your opponent down before they get their win condition online. We also have Energy acceleration cards to speed up our strategy and go for attacks as early as possible.
Flareon Ex Jolteon Ex Decklist

Pokémon: 16
3 Eevee PRE 74
3 Flareon ex PRE 14
1 Jolteon ex PRE 30
2 Hoothoot ASR 120
2 Noctowl PRE 78
2 Eevee ex PRE 75
1 Fan Rotom PRE 85
1 Budew PRE 4
1 Radiant Greninja ASR 46
Trainer: 34
4 Professor's Research PAF 87
3 Crispin PRE 105
2 Boss's Orders PAL 172
2 Iono PAL 185
1 Arven OBF 186
4 Glass Trumpet PRE 110
3 Ultra Ball SVI 196
2 Nest Ball SVI 181
2 Earthen Vessel PRE 106
2 Switch SVI 194
2 Tera Orb SSP 189
2 Buddy-Buddy Poffin PRE 101
2 Super Rod PAL 188
1 Counter Catcher PAR 160
1 Rescue Board PRE 126
1 Sparkling Crystal PRE 129
Energy: 10
4 Fire Energy SVE 10
3 Water Energy SVE 11
3 Lightning Energy SVE 12
How to Play
We’ve got two Eevee to evolve from, an Ex and non-Ex type, which we want in play as early as possible to set the stage for Flareon Ex or Jolteon Ex to carry the game.
The non-Ex Eevee is a 50 HP Pokemon with Boosted Evolution as an ability that lets you Evolve it on your first turn or the turn you play it if it’s in the Active spot. This lets you play faster, going for attacks a turn earlier and preventing opponent from reacting to your plan.
As for Eevee Ex, it’s tougher to knock out and has Coruscating Quartz attack with the same energy cost as Flareon EX and Jolteon Ex‘s attacks. However, 200 damage will usually not cut it for high-health Pokemon, so you’ll want to evolve Eevee Ex. This is where Rainbow DNA ability is used, letting you evolve Eevee Ex into a stronger attacker.
Flareon Ex is your main attacker, with 270 HP and two attacks. Burning Charge needs a Fire and a Colorless Energy to activate, dealing 130 damage, but will also search your deck for 2 Basic Energy cards, which you can attach to 1 of your Pokemon. This accelerates your Energy attachment, either getting another Pokemon ready to attack or attaching a Lightning or a Water-type Energy on Flareon Ex to attack with Carnelian on your upcoming turn.
Carnelian needs one of each, Water, Lightning, and Fire Energy cards to activate, dealing 280 damage to knock out higher-health Pokemon. The drawback is you can’t attack with Flareon on the upcoming turn, which forces you to retreat it and either move it back to the Active spot or have another attacker take its place.
As for Jolteon Ex, it’s a 260 HP Pokemon, so a little more vulnerable than Flareon Ex, but it has a stronger first attack. Flashing Spear needs a Lightning and a Colorless Energy to activate dealing 60 damage, but that damage can be bumped by 90 twice for each Basic Energy you discard from a Benched Pokemon. So you can go for up to 240 damage with Jolteon Ex‘s Flashing Spear.
The second attack, Dravite, works similarly to Flareon Ex‘s Carnelian, requiring one of each Energy type (Fire, Lightning, and Water) and dealing 280 damage. Also, when activated, you can’t attack with Jolteon Ex on the upcoming turn.
Energy Acceleration
We have multiple cards in the deck that speed up our attacks, getting Energy cards on our Pokemon to go for an attack a turn earlier than expected.
Crispin is a Supporter card, but it’s the easiest to activate and get 2 Basic Energy cards with different types from our deck and put them in our hand. We can then attach one of them to a Pokemon while keeping the other Energy card in our hand.
Glass Trumpet is another card to get Energy attached to your Pokemon, this one lets you attach 1 Basic Energy from your discard pile to two of your Benched Colorless Pokemon. Since Eevee and Eevee Ex are Colorless Pokemon, you can attach the Energy to them before evolving them. However, to activate Glass Trumpet, you need to have a Tera Pokemon in play. Luckily, Eevee Ex is a Tera Pokemon, so it allows us to activate Glass Trumpet without having to rely on a Flareon Ex or Jolteon Ex in play.
You can attach Sparkling Crystal to one of your Pokemon, acting as an Energy of any type. This makes it easier for you to activate your attack, demanding less Energy.
Pokemon Draw Value
Radiant Greninja‘s Concealed Cards lets you discard an Energy card to draw 2 cards. This plays into the deck’s game plan, getting more Energy cards into your Discard Pile, and then getting them back in play through Glass Trumpet. Radiant Greninja wants to stay on the Bench and continuously activate Concealed Cards.
Fan Rotom is a meta choice if the opponent is trying to stall out the game with Pokemon that Flareon Ex or Jolteon Ex can’t attack. Fan Rotom‘s Fan Call can draw you 3 Colorless Pokemon with 100 HP or less.
Once you evolve Noctow‘s from Hoothoot, you can activate Jewel Seeker to search your deck for 2 Trainer cards. So we’ll mostly use it for the draw effect to find the cards we need. Speed Wing can be an option to deal 60 damage, but you won’t find yourself relying on it too much.
Draw Cards
Professor’s Research and Iono can refill our hand with resources. We’re discarding a lot of cards, so we need draw engines to keep our strategy going and find the needed Basic Energy to activate our attacks.
Battle Cards

Budew is great to have in the Active spot in the early turns, shutting opponent from activating their Item cards. This can slow their strategy and even prevent them from evolving their Pokemon if they rely on Rare Candy, buying you time until you get up your win condition.
Switch and Rescue Board help you move your Pokemon to the Active spot, allowing you to go for attacks without discarding Energy cards. We will need them for whenever Flareon Ex or Jolteon Ex can’t attack and need to be moved back on the Bench, or if we want to save one of our Ex Pokemon from getting knocked out.
You can also use cards like Boss’s Order to move a low-health Pokemon to the Active spot, making it easier for you to get a knockout over a high-Pokemon or a key Pokemon opponent is relying on to win the game.
Prime Catcher is similar to Boss’s Order but can only be activated when you have more Prize cards remaining than your opponent.