One Piece TCG tournaments are thriving, with players battling each other with their best decks. In OP09 meta, we have Blue Doflamingo as the king of all decks, seeing the most play in tournaments. TAK Games’ Oceania hosted the 2024 Finals on January 26, 2025, with 980 players competing in this tournament!
We saw a lot of Blue Doflamingo go far in this tournament (as expected), but unexpectedly, Boa Hancock made top 4, reminding everyone that off-meta choices can still succeed in these high competitive tournaments.
1st Blue Doflamingo

Three Blue Doflamingo players made it to the top 8, with 2 battling each other in the finals to win it all. The third Doffy player ended in top 8. This deck is crushing the tournament scene and forcing players to either play it or pick a deck that holds its ground against its aggressive playstyle.
Blue Doffy can play multiple Characters in one turn through Jinbe and Leader effect, letting you go wide on the field and go for aggressive attacks. This forces most decks to retreat into a defensive playstyle, trying to control the field and slow down the Doffy’s aggression.
The West players have picked up on the East playstyle, adding Jozu to their lists as a method to remove one of the opponent’s 6-cost or less Characters from the field. This creates a huge shift in field presence, making it harder for your opponent to catch up.
2nd Blue Doflamingo

3rd Black Yellow Luffy

Black Yellow Monkey D. Luffy finishes in third place. This deck wants to take early hits and drop to 0 Life cards as early as possible, allowing you to activate Leader effect to place your 5-cost Adult brothers in your Life Area. The 2-cost Kid Brothers can then join the field and cheat out those Adults in the Life Area, allowing you to build your board and gain Power on your Leader, each kid gives you +2,000 Power on your Leader that sticks until the end of your opponent’s next turn.
This makes it harder for your opponent to Counter your Leader attack and even damage your Leader. Using 8-cost Gecko Moria on Don 10, you can cheat out the kid brothers from the trash, creating a huge turn to develop 3 Characters and gain +4,000 Power on your Leader.
Interestingly, this list is running Tempest Kick and I Have My Crew. Tempest Kick synergizes with Rocket Luffy to KO opponent’s Characters. As for I Have My Crew, it draws you a card, so you’re not losing on resources by playing it, and then gives a Character of your choosing +3 cost until the end of your opponent’s upcoming turn. The +3 cost can be a game swinger against certain decks that rely on the cost of your Character to either KO or remove it from play. Blue Doffy for example, won’t be able to use Jozu or Gravity Blade Raging Tiger to remove the chosen Character.
4th Blue Boa Hancock

Boa Hancock makes it to 4th place in the TAK Games’ Oceania 2024 Finals! This is a value Leader, drawing you a card whenever a Character on either side of the field is removed through an effect. This makes sure you don’t easily run out of resources and could even outvalue the opposing player.
The list is heavy on {The Seven Warlords of the Sea} Characters, the 4-cost Jinbe and the 4-cost Trafalgar Law acting as key cards for a strong mid-game. Law is especially good in this list since he triggers your Leader’s draw effect.
In the mid-game, we have 6-cost Boa Hanock, 6-cost Jozu, 7-cost Borsalino, and 7-cost Donquixote Doflamingo to control the opponent’s field through their effects. This helps you shift the game pressure in your favor, and all these Characters will trigger your Leader Boa’s effect for the card draw.
10-cost Kaido is the late-game win condition, returning two Characters, one with a cost of 8 or less and the other with a cost of 3 or less, helping you slow your opponent down while developing a 12,000 Power attacker.
Gum-Gum Red Roc and Gravity Blade Raging Tiger are popular control Events among Blue decks, but here, these two Events are even better since they activate Leader Boa’s effect.
Top 8 Purple Luffy

PLuffy is a ramp deck that uses its Life resource to gain an extra Don. This lets you play Characters on earlier turns, making sure you have a strong presence on the field. Luffy-Tarou is one of your strongest play in this deck, cheating out Zoro-Juuro, Sanji-Gorou, or O-Nami on the field to create multiple Characters for the opponent to deal with.
9-cost Monkey D.Luffy and 9-cost Charlotte Linlin are your late-game plays, which can be tough for your opponent to remove, and through their effects, you can remove an opponent’s Character.
Top 8 Black Yellow Luffy

Top 8 Blue Doflamingo

Top 8 Black Rob Lucci

Black Rob Lucci is still performing in OP09 meta, making it into top 8 in TAK tournament. This is a control black deck that heavily relies on KOing opponent’s Characters by reducing their cost and preventing them from attacking. This can be huge on your opponent’s strategy, slowing them down if they don’t manage to keep a Character in play.
With Black Yellow Luffy being a popular deck in the meta, it can be tough for Rob Lucci to go far as it’s a huge counter for it. However, this list is teched for the Black Yellow Luffy matchup, having 5-cost Monkey D.Luffy, 6-cost Brook, and 9-cost Kaido to trash the opponent’s Character and bypass 5-cost Sabo’s KO immunity.