OPTCG had amazing games in the Asia finals! Although Blue Doffy has been the dominant deck in OP10 meta, we still see many different Leaders performing well and winning it all. The Asia Finals is a great example of why OPTCG has a healthy meta, allowing players to choose among multiple different playstyles and still play competitively on the big stage.
I’ll share the top decklists from this tournament and talk about how each of those decks operates.
1st Place Black Blue Usopp

Usopp is one of the new OP10 Leaders who has been crushing it in the competitive scene. This deck uses the {Dressrosa} type cards to enable his game plan. He’s a Black Blue value leader, having a draw engine to make sure you don’t run out of resources easily.
Rebecca is one of your strongest options on Don 7, allowing you to develop multiple Characters in one turn and creating a win condition that forces your opponent to play differently.
7-cost Monkey D. Luffy can be troublesome, capable of attacking Active Characters, and can go for two attacks in one turn. However, if you decide to attack twice, Luffy won’t be able to attack on your upcoming turn. It’s best activated when you’re trying to control the field or going for the winning turn.
2nd Place Black Marshal D. Teach

In the second place, Black Marshal D. Teach continues its great showing in tournaments, being a difficult deck to pilot correctly and demanding that the pilot knows how the opponent’s deck operates and which turns matter the most. Your Leader prevents you from activating On Play effects, which forces you to build the deck differently. However, you can trash a card to also prevent the opponent from activating their On Play effects, ruining their upcoming plays. Since you’re trashing a card to activate your effect, it’s crucial you only activate it on necessary turns.
The Black Teach deck is a control type, KOing opponent’s Characters by reducing their cost and putting them in range for your removal cards. Weakening the opponent’s board state makes it challenging for them to present offensive threats, giving you enough time to start putting pressure on their Leader and eventually go for the winning line.
10-cost Teach is a power house, shutting one of the opponent’s Characters from attacking and acting as a wall to block one of the opponent’s attacks.
3rd Place Blue Doflamingo

Most players are tired of seeing Blue Doflamingo everywhere, but the deck works and is one of the best choices if you’re a competitive player. When playing a deck in tournaments, it’s important to pick a Leader who can at least survive the many Doffy players you will go up against.
This deck can play aggressively, dropping multiple Characters in one turn to go for attacks, usually aimed at your Leader. They’ll try to force you to play defensively and will use their Counter resources to keep Characters on the field.
The Asia scene has been heavy on the 6-cost Jozu, using his to remove one of the opponent’s Characters from the field, further dominating the board.
4th Place Black Marashal D. Teach

Top 8 Place Black Yellow Luffy

Black Yellow Luffy is making a comeback in OP10 meta, especially after winning first place in the Japan Finals last week. More players are giving BY Luffy another shot, and he is not disappointing!
BY Luffy wants to drop on Life cards and use Leader effect to cheat out 5-cost Luffy or Sabo. This list isn’t running Ace, so it’s more relying on controlling the field with Kingdom Come and going for a late-game win instead of using Ace’s Rush attack to speed up its strategy.
Kuzan is great for the extra draw and cost reduction, combined with Rocket Luffy, you can KO up to 9-cost Characters and weaken your opponent’s attack turns. The Power you gain on Leader Luffy from the kid brothers will make it difficult for most decks to get their attacks through.
Kingdom Come is now a popular inclusion in these lits, helping you remove high-cost Characters that can be a threat when they attack your Leader. With the +4,000 Power Leader Luffy gets, your main concern are high Power attackers that force you to play Counter cards.
Top 8 Green Purple Lim

Early into the OP10 meta, Green Purple Lim was winning tournaments, and players had high hopes for her to become a top-tier deck. However, as the meta evolved, she started losing popularity, and eventually, most players moved on to different decks.
Despite that, Green Purple Lim is still a meta choice among a few players, and making it into the top 8 in the Asia Finals sets a precedent that this deck is not out of the competitive scene just yet!
Green Purple Lim forces you to play your Characters in the rested state, luckily, this deck has multiple cards that want to see rested Characters to activate their effects. Lim’s effect rests 3 Don to ramp up 1 Don and cheats out a 5-cost or less {ODYSSEY} type Character from your hand, allowing you to accelerate your game plan while throwing out bodies on the field for the opponent to deal with.
This list wants to play high-cost Characters like 9-cost Roronoa Zoro or 9-cost Adio a turn earlier, making it difficult for opponents to remove and from there they could get overpowered by your win conditions.