Green Purple Monkey D. Luffy is an EB02 Leader that returns 2 Don to your Don deck to give you 2 Active Don and gain +1,000 Power until the end of the opponent’s next turn. So it can create an explosive turn, deramping to empower your turns.
With access to Purple cards, this deck uses multiple Ramp cards to accelerate its strategy, but also has Characters that either deramp or require you to have equal or less Don than opponent to activate their effects.
This deck can go wide on the field, playing multiple Characters in one turn by using the {Straw Hat Crew} type Characters synergy, putting opponent behind on the field and forcing them to take a defensive approach.

Activate: Main Once Per Turn DON!! −2: If the only Characters on your field are {Straw Hat Crew} type Characters, set up to 2 of your DON!! cards as active. Then, this Leader gains +1000 power until the end of your opponent’s next turn.
To activate Leader effect, you must only have {Straw Hat Crew} type Characters, returning 2 Don to set 2 Don as Active and gain +1,000 Power until the end of your opponent’s turn. The 2 Active Don can be used to develop an additional Character or to increase the Power of your attacks. The +1,000 Power on your Leader creates a greater offensive attack, but also is useful during your defensive turn, forcing your opponent to go through a 6,000 Power Leader.
We want to be careful when activating Leader effect, as it does put us behind on Don on future turns. However, with the multiple Ramp cards in the list, and cards requiring us to have equal or less Don than opponent to activate their effects like Franky or Sanji & Pudding, we’ll use Leader’s deramp effect on the turns we want to activate those effects.
To play this deck efficiently, you’ll plan on which turns you want to activate Leader effect for the extra 2 Active Don, and using the ramp Characters, you’ll lower the drawback from deramping.
Green Purple Luffy Decklist

How to Play
1-cost Plays

Nami is a 1-cost searcher that looks at the top 5 cards in your deck and lets you choose 1 {Staw Hat Crew} type card to add to your hand. She helps you plan your future turns, ensuring you can make a play on the upcoming turn.
When You’re at the Sea You Fight Against Pirates! is a searcher card to find the {Straw Hat Crew} cards you need.
The Merry Go Stage only works with {Straw Hat Crew} type Leaders, drawing you a card on the turn it is played. Later on, you can rest this Stage and activate its effect only if you have equal or less Don than your opponent, giving one of your {Straw Hat Crew} type Characters +2 cost until the end of the opponent’s upcoming turn. You’re not losing on resources by playing it, and giving a Character +2 cost can make things awkward for the opposing player if they rely on your Character’s cost to remove it through an effect.
Early Value Characters

3-cost Nico Robin is a blocker to protect you from an opponent’s attack, she’s an option to play if you need the defensive Character to prevent opponent from damaging your Leader or KOing an important Character. On KO, Nico Robin returns 1 Don to look at the top 3 cards of your deck and add 1 {Straw Hat Crew} type card to your hand.
With Nico Robin, you’re playing a defensive blocker while also maintaining your overall card resources.
As for Zoro-Juuro, On Play, he looks at the top 5 cards of your deck and lets you add 1 Purple {Straw Hat Crew} type card to your hand. The list has multiple Purple cards to choose from like Nico Robin, Uso-Hachi, 6-cost Monkey D. Luffy, and Luffy-Tarou.
Zoro-Juuro is a 6,000 Power Character, so he poses offensive power and can be challenging for opponent to KO through attacks early into the game. Since he doesn’t have a Counter Power, you almost always want to have it in play to gain the card draw from him.
Ramp Cards

3-cost Zoro-Juuro is the usual play early in the game. If you’re going first, you can play Zoro-Juuro on turn 2 to attack with him on the upcoming turn. For Zoro-Juuro to activate his Ramp effect, you need to have 3 Life cards or less, which means you have to take the first hit on your Leader from the opponent to fall to 3 Life cards. Since Zoro-Juuro is a 4,000 Power Character, you have to attach at least 1 Don to force opponent into playing a Counter card. In some cases, you might not have the Don to attach to Zoro-Juuro without compromising field development, but you’ll still go for the 4,000 Power attack to ramp a Don.
Franky and Sanji & Pudding require you to have equal or less Don cards than your opponent’s. They both can continuously ramp once per turn as long as they’re in play, so opponents will be compelled to remove them. To drop on total Don cards, we can use Leader Luffy‘s deramp effect, helping us activate their effects while using the extra Active Don to make more plays.
Franky‘s On Play effect ramps you up by 1 Don if you have equal or less Don cards than your opponent’s. Additionally, Franky can activate his ramp effect again when he attacks, remaining a valuable ramp Character who your opponent needs to remove. Having 4,000 Power means we will have to attach 1 Don to threaten an opponent’s Life card.
As for Sanji & Pudding, you need to have equal or less Don cards than your opponent’s to activate their On Play effect and draw a card. Once per turn, whenever you return 2 or more Don cards, you can activate Sanji & Pudding‘s effect to ramp a Don that’s Active.
This means we can use Leader effect to trigger it, and instead of gaining 2 Active Don, you’re now at 3 Active Don to make more plays or create aggressive attacks. 6-cost Monkey D. Luffy can also also trigger it, without having to rely on your Leader effect.
Sanji & Pudding being a 7,000 Power Character makes it a perfect attacker, forcing Counter cards if your opponent wants to stop the attack. While rested, you want to protect Sanji & Pudding from an attacker if possible, making sure you keep ramping for the Active Don to power up your turns.
Aggro Control

Your Green Roronoa Zoro can gain a pseudo rush if your opponent has 2 or more Characters in play, allowing you to attack one of their rested Characters or their Leader. With Roronoa Zoro‘s effect, you can rest one of their Characters with a cost of 4 or less, allowing you to attack and KO it or even remove a blocker from the equation, leaving their Leader vulnerable to your attacks.
Going Wide

7-cost Luffy-Tarou returns 1 Don to play a Purple {Straw Hat Crew} Character from your hand with a cost of 5 or less. So we’re looking to cheat out Sanji & Pudding, developing 7,000 and 8,000 Power Characters in one turn. If you don’t have Sanji & Pudding, you can go for Zoro-Juuro to still develop a Character capable of putting offensive pressure and drawing you a card.
Rush Aggression

6-cost Monkey D.Luffy gains the Rush keyword if your Leader is multicolored (our leader is multicolored) and your opponent has 5 or more Don cards on the field.
When attacking, you may return 2 of your Don cards to set Luffy as Active. Then add 1 card from the top of your Life cards to your hand. We are losing on Life cards, which can put our Leader in a vulnerable spot to your opponent’s attackers if you drop too low on Life cards. However, getting to attack twice with 6-cost Luffy can push you closer to winning the game.
The ideal moment to set Luffy as Active is when your opponent is down to just 1 Life card, putting them on the brink of defeat. This is your chance to go all-in, putting all your resources into increasing Luffy’s Power. By activating your Leader effect, you gain 2 Active Don, allowing you to push for the game-winning attack.
+2,000 Counters

All these cards are searchable since they’re {Straw Hat Crew} type Characters, but you could still play them on the field during specific situations.
Uso-Hachi can be used to rest one of the opponent’s 5-cost or less Characters, enabling you to attack and KO that Character or ignore it if it’s a blocker and focus your attack on their Leader.
4-cost Sanji can be cheated on the field through 7-cost Monkey D.Luffy if you don’t have Zoro-Juuro in your hand.
Lastly, 6-cost Sanji is a 6,000 Power blocker to protect you from an attack. If you have 2 less Don cards than your opponent, Sanji becomes a 3-cost, low-cost blocker to protect you.

Gum-Gum Giant is a defensive Event, giving +4,000 Power and 2 card draws. You will have to return 2 Don and trash a card from your hand to activate the effect.
- 1-cost Nami to search for the cards you need.
- Going first, you want 3-cost Zoro-Juurou for the early ramp. Franky is a good early card as well.
- Luffy-Tarou is your strongest play, so you want to have it for the Don 7+ turn.
Turn-Based Gameplay
Going First
- Turn 1 (1 Don): 1-cost Nami or Merry Go.
- Turn 2 (3 Don): 3-cost Zoro-Juurou.
- Turn 3 (5 Don): Attack with Zoro-Juurou to ramp 1 Active Don and play 6-cost Monkey D.Luffy for the Rush attack. Don’t activate his second attack just yet, wait for future turns. If you don’t have Zoro-Juurou, you can play 4-cost Zoro-Juuro for the draw.
You could go for double development with Nico Robin + Leader effect then play 4-cost Zoro-Juuro or Pudding & Sanji, but it will slow you down on the upcoming turn if you plan on playing Luffy-Tarou. - Turn 4 (7 Don): Luffy-Tarou + Pudding & Sanji/Zoro-Juuro.
- Turn 5 (9 Don): Luffy-Tarou + Pudding & Sanji/Zoro-Juuro. You can activate Leader effect to develop more Characters with Leader effect’s +2 Active Don.
- Turn 6 (10 Don): Luffy-Tarou + Pudding & Sanji/Zoro-Juuro. You can activate Leader effect to develop more Characters with Leader effect’s +2 Active Don. Or 6-cost Monkey D.Luffy for aggressive attacks.
Going Second
- Turn 1 (2 Don): 1-cost Nami and Merry Go.
- Turn 2 (4 Don): 4-cost Zoro-Juurou or 3-cost Zoro-Juurou.
- Turn 3 (6 Don): If you ramped with 3-cost Zoro-Juurou, you can play Luffy-Tarou + Pudding & Sanji/Zoro-Juuro. If you didn’t ramp, you can play 6-cost Monkey D.Luffy but don’t activate his effect yet.
- Turn 4 (8 Don): Luffy-Tarou + Pudding & Sanji/Zoro-Juuro. You can activate Leader effect to develop more Characters with Leader effect’s +2 Active Don.
- Turn 5 (10 Don): Luffy-Tarou + Pudding & Sanji/Zoro-Juuro You can activate Leader effect to develop more Characters with Leader effect’s +2 Active Don. Or 6-cost Monkey D.Luffy for aggressive attacks.
Other Cards to Include

- The 0-cost Gum-gum Jet Gatling can trash one card you need the least in your hand to gain +3,000 Power on your Leader of one of your Characters. In most cases, you’ll trash a card with no Counter effect.
- As for Gum-Gum Giant Pistol, up to 1 of your {Straw Hat Crew} type Characters gains +6000 power during this turn. Then, the selected Character will not become active in your next Refresh Phase.
So we usually want to use it as a finisher play, combined with 6-cost Monkey D.Luffy‘s ability to attack twice. It’ll be almost impossible for most decks to Counter out of your two attacks, and if they manage to Counter one attack, they’ll be low on resources that another attack should get you the win.
Gum-Gum Giant Pistol‘s Trigger effect lets you rest one of the opponent’s 4-cost Characters, great when used defensively to shut down one of the opponent’s attackers. - Eustass”Captain”Kid enables the birdcage strategy, cheating Nico Robin on the field to act as a blocker and protect him from high Power attacks. Forcing your opponent to use their resources to KO Kid will slow them down as you build up your win condition.